15. Johnny Mathis’ Feet – American Music Club

It was inevitable that Mark Eitzel would put in an appearance here before long.

I laid all my songs at Johnny Mathis’ feet

I interpret this to be a song about turning to your heroes, in hope of validation and approval. I’m not sure it initially works out quite the way Mark hoped:

Johnny looked at my songs and he said:
“Well at first guess, never in my life
Have I ever seen such a mess”

Thanks for that, Mr. Mathis.

“Why do you say everything as if you were a thief?
Like what you stole has no value
Like what you preach is far from belief?”

Certainly, these are questions which do need addressing. At least the criticism is finally becoming constructive. The redemption?

“A real showman knows how to disappear in the spotlight”

We all disappear sometimes, hiding from, or in, the spotlight.

The album is 1993’s Mercury, one of scant few albums produced by Mitchell Froom not to be utterly ruined by his usual tedious, narcissistic, kitchen-sink production.

The album is beautiful from start to finish. Mark Eitzel has an uncanny knack for capturing and communicating human sadness, whilst enrobing it in poetry and glitter and glamour and beauty. His words take to the spotlight like a lonely, tired drag queen still putting on a beautiful, joyous show.

Artist: American Music Club
Album: Mercury
Writer: Mark Eitzel
Producer: Mitchell Froom
Released: 1993; Virgin Records

All lyrics © 1993 Mark Eitzel/I Failed in Life Music/Island Music.

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